In news, the word news essentially refers to any factual information you may obtain about an event. The two general categories of news are reporting news and non-breaking news. Reporting news comprises news that’s actually reported on by the media or other reporting agencies and news-pieces that are published in newspapers, magazines, radio, TV or at newsstands. Non-breaking news is basically news that isn’t related to any ongoing events.
The major organs of mass media are television stations, radio stations and magazines. There are also several web sites that provide global coverage through online news agencies. These are just a few of the news agencies that provide local and world-wide coverage. There are also several news agencies that specialize in particular news topics. These specialized news agencies usually have their own set of news services that provide reports on specific areas, events and subjects.
Agence France-Presse (French edition of Le Monde) is one of the most popular news agencies in the world. This news agency primarily provides international coverage. Agence France-Presse uses some of the best in color photographs and creatively covers international events.
Global networks also provide state-of-the-art news agencies that publish breaking news throughout the day. These networks include CNN and Associated Press. These news agencies offer comprehensive reports from around the globe. They cover virtually every region of the globe and provide local as well as international coverage. These global news agencies employ the very best in photographers, editors and news executives. They are constantly striving to maintain standards of professionalism and accuracy at all times.
There are also news agencies that provide purely informative news items. Some examples of these are news agencies such as the BBC World News, CNN News, Financial Times, and the AP. These news agencies strive to provide detailed and concise reports that provide information on a local, national or international level. They offer a wide range of topics including sports, technology, politics, health, education, crime, environment, Asia etc.
Agencies providing news online strive to continuously improve their services and have created websites providing their news content. Many of these websites have become highly popular with many people around the world. Some news agencies offer blogs that provide updated news bulletins on a daily basis. These blogs are generally written by their reporters and are updated manually by their editors. These news agencies also publish photo galleries on their website that display recent photos of certain topics and events that may be of interest to readers. Many people who do not have computers can also use the RSS feed for news online and receive updates through email.