Blog (a short form of weblog) is basically a website or online journal displayed in reverse chronological order, from the newest post, at the top, to oldest posts, at the bottom. It’s a great platform for a blogger or a collection of bloggers to express their opinions on a specific subject. They can also be used to attract readers and share useful information with them. Some popular blogging sites are WordPress and Blogger.
This medium of sharing and commenting on various topics are becoming increasingly popular among Internet users, particularly youngsters. Some years back, blogs only reached a few people. Nowadays, hundreds and thousands of people have blogs. Some people started blogging to make money while some others started as personal hobbies and then turned into a profession. Blogs can be considered as a vehicle for many individuals to express their own personality through written words. As a result, there are more blogs dedicated to any topic, including entertainment, games, technology, politics, business, and lots more.
The number of blogs started as a personal hobby has increased over the years. Now, these blogs are spreading to other areas such as business, society and arts. The number of blogs dedicated to each subject can be counted into hundreds and thousands. Some of them are extremely popular while others less popular. Most of the blogs, both the most popular and less popular, have one thing in common: every blogger group has its own set of blog posts or articles.
There are no clear trends regarding the number of blog posts per month. There are some people who blog everyday while there are many people who blog rarely but daily. Most of the bloggers who blog daily usually have something new to share while those who blog rarely but daily either have new information or rewrite old information. Blogging can help the readers know about the things happening around the world. Moreover, blogging is becoming the favorite past time of many people since it’s an easy way to communicate and many people use it as their main source of income.
One way to create a blog is to make an online diary, which is very similar to a real diary except that you can post your blog entries in your diary instead of writing them on paper. With an online diary, you can easily update your blog entries by simply logging in to your account and publishing your entries. However, some bloggers are still not comfortable using an online diary as their blogging tool because they fear that their entries will be tampered with or they might be identified by other users. In addition, using a diary is more personal and allows for more personal interaction between the blogger and his or her readers. Some bloggers may also blog as a hobby while some blog for profit.
There are also some bloggers who earn money from their blogs by making ads on their blogging site. This helps them to monetize their blogs even more because advertisers pay for displaying their advertisements on their blogging site. Most bloggers start their blogging career by creating one or two blogs and then as their blog gains in popularity they add more blogs. They also update their blogs regularly to keep them relevant to the changing demands of their niche.