Designer – An Overview

Sep 22, 2021 Betting

A designer is a person who designs things. In technical terms, a designer is defined as a person who designs something using software or a specialised method and who submits it for acceptance, examination or approval under a certain process in order to ensure its suitability with respect to the intended use. A designer can be a person engaged in the business of producing or constructing things, a university or college to teach students who want to become professional designers, or a person who is a freelancer who designs things to earn an income.


A designer may choose to be general or specific. A general designer creates designs for any purpose but is not concerned with the aesthetic aspects. A specific designer is concerned with the aesthetic aspect only and will often modify designs to ensure they meet the standards of the client. These designers are also known as stylists who produce only specific kinds of furniture, garment and other manufactured goods.

Designer work involves a wide range of tasks including drafting, designing, visual communication and prototyping. They communicate with their clients and produce proposals for designing according to the specifications provided by the client. Modifying designs is one of the designer’s job priorities and they work on it according to the client’s requirements and budget.

Interaction Designers are those who are engaged in concept and creation of brand new products and interactive electronic and data solutions which involve the interaction of people within the organisation. This usually takes the form of some form of museum display, exhibit or performance. A good Interaction Designer should be able to plan out the whole process from conception to creation of the products and ensure the interaction process is smooth. There are a number of interaction designers in the field of multimedia arts. A few recent examples include Jorn van Deraad, Maarten Lens and Wimaan Doos.

Graphic Designers is involved in conceptualizing product design and other visual communication aspects. Some of the recent designers who hold key positions in this discipline are Henk Tenbrink, Filip Dejong and Wimaan Doos. Key examples include Wimaan Doos, Henk Tenbrink, Filip Dejong and Jorn van Deraad. The main functions of the graphic designers are to create a brand identity for a company and also create appealing and informative visual presentations for a business and make these effective.

A number of young graduates are choosing to work in this field due to the flexibility and remuneration offered. Many designers start their careers as interns or apprentices under experienced designers. A recent graduate, pursuing an interaction design course at Delft University, has already earned a teaching post. She has also gained valuable experience on the role of a project manager in a big Dutch corporate. The main aim of a graphic designer is to create attractive designs and interfaces that are not only visually attractive but functional as well.